Friday, September 1, 2006

Fall Schedule and Class Plans for Fall Classes

Yoga resumed with enthusiasm and laughter at nilambu last week. Clients found their base again with a foot massage to wake up the feet - the foundation of all standing poses. Each week, the physical postures (asanas) concentrate on one area of practice such as standing, balancing or twisting.

And new this fall, in honor of nilambu's mission to provide stretches for the mind, we also bring our attention to a philosophical principle of yoga such as truth, enthusiasm or contentment.

A few classes still have space available. If you're interested in getting started or restarted - please email me at

Also, if you have two or more friends and would like to set up your own class, I still have free time available to accomodate an additional class.

Finally, as always, privates and semi-privates are a great way to focus your practice or to address a special challenge. For more on that and on all of nilambu : a personal yoga studio's services, click here

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