Monday, November 17, 2008

Setting Intention

“You are what your deepest desire is.
As your desire is, so is your intention.
As your intention is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.”

 ~ Upanishads

I got that from Chopra's newsletter.  The Chopra Center's newsletter also includes a guided meditation for setting intention that you can listen to here.    

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meditation Alleviates Medical Symptoms

Natural News headlines - Meditation Benefits for Those with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
I knew this already. Guided meditation can be especially helpful when the symptoms are persistent. I've experienced remarkable improvement after listening and following the instructions of a 15 to 20 minute guided meditation (Shiva Rea's is a favorite).

The article outlines the mental/emotional benefits of meditation:
  • More even moods, fewer mood swings.
  • Releasing Depression
  • Less anxiety
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Improved memory and cognitive function
  • A sense of peace and calm
  • Less Stress
Physical benefits of meditation:
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Reduced heart rate
  • More balanced nervous system
  • Better Sleep
  • May help balance the immune system to help the body resist disease and heal
  • Less physical stress and a more balanced the autonomic nervous system (which is what governs the stress response in the body.)
Specially in regard to FM and CFS, the article outlines this:
Stress exacerbates CFS and FM, as well as causing more of it, creating a vicious circle. Lowering stress in some way is important for sufferers...Meditation has also been shown to improve sleep patterns and increase energy. Furthermore, research has continually shown that it reduces pain levels. It can enhance the body’s ability to heal itself, and improve overall quality of life. Physically, it can lower the level of cortisol in the body, which is a stress hormone. Mentally, it helps you to get your mind off of worries, pain, stress, and illness. It allows you to cultivate a focus on something completely unrelated to your life, your pain, or your illness.