Saturday, December 15, 2007

Simplify Your Holidays with New Dreams

In nilambu's holiday yoga classes this month, we focused our thoughts on the third yama of Patanjali which is asteya. Most often translated as "not stealing," the principle encompasses more. Misappropriation, waste, hoarding are other aspects of asteya. And not only of things, but time, emotional resources, energy.

This desire usually arises out of a sense of deprivation. Donna Farhi suggests we "relate to others from the vantage point of abundance rather than neediness." There are many ways to do this - ask someone if they have time to talk before you launch into a tirade, offer the gift of your time and energy or be full of thought when selecting your gifts to signify your love - so that they signify love and are not simply an obligation.

For more ideas, I suggest a great web site, New American Dream. This month they feature a 24 page guide on how to simplify your holidays and make them more meaningful.   The suggestions are very
helpful and it's not too late to implement some!   All you have to do is register and it's free!  

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