Saturday, December 15, 2007

What Stress Does Inside & How to Keep Your Cool

Talk of the Nation featured a terrific 24 minute discussion on holiday stress.  "Health experts discuss the effects that stress can have on your health, and offer some suggestions for keeping your cool during this frantically festive season."  

Doctors from the Mayo Clinic and from NIH give the best explanation I've ever heard that accounts for what happens in the body physically when we are under stress.   And they reveal the latest scientific data on how to help temper the adverse effects.   The Mayo doctor even has a "Stress Blog" !!  And get this, the first caller to the program was a yoga teacher who offers a yogic breathing technique!  

Among the suggestion are expected ones – exercise (even just 20 minutes).  But others are a bit unusual like how to trick your brain into thinking you’re more in control they you are.

Find out what the doctors thought…..You can listen to the NPR segment here.  And check out the Mayo Stress Blog here.  Too busy to listen to a 24 minute radio segment right now?  Well, also has a 10 minute mindfulness guided meditation you can do right at your desk!

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