Saturday, December 15, 2007

January Class Schedule Being Formulated

Well, it was just terrific to see some of the regulars in the free holiday classes this month. And I'm looking forward to returning to a regular schedule in January.

When you're making your list and checking it twice, give some thought to when you'd like to come to yoga. The schedule is being formulated so email me and let me know when you'd like to come and I'll schedule a class. Please send first and second choices. And if you've got a friend or two, and you've got a time you'd like to come, I'll do my best to accommodate.

Classes will begin the week of January 21st, 2008. Here is nilambu's proposed schedule of classes. Do not hesitate to contact me with feedback or suggestions or requests.  I will adjust if at all possible. Flexibility and responsiveness is an advantage of a small studio!  

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